This 28-year-old woman lives in Germany and makes great money, so she supports herself and her boyfriend, as he recently lost his job.
She was just invited to attend her friend’s Spanish-Italian-themed wedding, and she served as her friend’s witness.
The event lasted two days, and it was three hours away from a major city. There was the wedding ceremony, a lunch, a party, and on the second day, there was a barbecue.
“We were told not to bring any gifts as the couple has planned a second wedding in Italy for 80+ people and rented out a mansion,” she explained.
“The groom’s family is very rich. As a witness and best friend, I always went above and beyond by helping her in everyday life.”
She ended up renting a car for the wedding, which cost her more than $270, and she helped her best friend pick up guests from the airport.
The wedding took a strange turn on the second day when she got to the barbecue and was informed that there wasn’t enough food, so she would have to go grocery shopping.
Her best friend spent months planning the wedding and knew how many guests were coming, so she found it weird that her best friend hadn’t planned for enough food to feed everyone.
Additionally, there were multiple people at the barbecue who could have run out to the grocery shop, but it was dumped on her.
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