
She’s Furious That Her Sister Told Her To Look At The Silver Lining After Her Boyfriend’s Young Daughter Passed Away In A Freak Accident

fizkes - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 25-year-old woman and her boyfriend, who is 30, have been dating for around seven months. But unfortunately, her boyfriend has been grappling with a terrible loss.

First, very soon after his daughter was born, his wife passed away. From then on, he raised his daughter completely by himself.

Now, more recently, his daughter was in a freak accident and tragically passed away, too. The funeral took place just a few days ago, on what was supposed to be his daughter’s fourth birthday.

Since then, her boyfriend has obviously been grieving, and he has already taken apart his daughter’s room to pack up all of her clothes and toys. Yet, he hasn’t shown much emotion. Rather, he’s just been trying to stick to his normal routine and schedule.

“I understand that everyone grieves differently, and I wasn’t really sure how to support my boyfriend,” she explained.

That’s why she wound up turning to her older sister for help – because whenever she needs advice, her sister is her go-to person.

The only problem is that her sister is a very positive person who tends to look at situations as “glass half full.” So, rather than being sensitive to her situation, her sister actually told her to look at the “silver lining” while they were on the phone.

“That this is the time I could make my boyfriend really fall in love with me if I do my best to support him at his worst, and that if our relationship goes the distance, I won’t have to worry about creating an ‘artificial bond’ with a stepdaughter,” she revealed.

After her sister told her all of that, she became furious and pointed out how she couldn’t care less about getting her boyfriend to fall in love with her right now. All she wanted was to figure out how to better support her boyfriend and be there for him.

fizkes – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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