This 21-year-old girl shares her college apartment with her three friends. One of her roommates and friends, M, has been saying for the last year that she’s been keeping a secret from them all.
M insisted she would only tell them upon graduation. She gave them one little hint: it wasn’t terrible, but the secret would change the way that they all look at her.
Last night, she was having dinner with her other roommates, L and P. M is currently abroad for their most recent semester so she hasn’t been around and didn’t attend the dinner.
L figured that she and P knew about the secret, so L blurted it out. Well, she was certainly shocked to find out what M has been refraining from telling them.
“M has been using me and P’s toothbrushes for AT LEAST a year,” she explained. “L found out in November but didn’t tell us because she promised she wouldn’t and also didn’t think we would freak out that much (we did, in fact, freak out that much).
“For further context, our place last academic year when this happened was a 4 bed 2 bathroom, with M and L sharing a bathroom and P and I sharing the other.”
“M did this because she did not want to walk a few feet over to her bathroom, as ours was closer and, I guess, more convenient. Not brushing her teeth at all was an issue, but apparently, using our toothbrushes without us knowing was not.”
Thankfully, she’s sharing her bathroom with P again this year, while M and L have their own private ones.
She’s hoping that means that she and P will be able to avoid another toothbrush-sharing incident when M comes home from studying abroad.
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