
He’s Wondering If He Should Divorce His Wife Since She’s Not Interested In Him Anymore

He can admit that he’s not perfect, but he does his best to pitch in around their home and be a good partner to his wife.

He also makes more than his wife does and contributes more financially to their household, which he doesn’t mind doing.

He also does his best to help with the kids and give his wife a break, but it’s just them and their kids all day, every day, and he’s worn out.

It also irritates him that his wife complains about gaining weight but never does anything to fix it, even though he says he will be supportive of her efforts to get more healthy.

“I have never cheated, never even touched another woman, never even had the urge. But for the last few weeks, I have been having vivid dreams about me cheating, and when I wake up, I feel so guilty,” he said.

“This became [a] bit of a rant. But my main point is that what else can I do? I’m just so tired of this, I dream about just leaving and never coming back, just disappear but I can’t leave my kids. If we didn’t have kids, I would have left her years ago.”

“Would I be a total [jerk] if I just started divorce proceedings?”

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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