
If You’re Stuck In The Roommate Phase With Your Partner, Here Are 3 Ways You Can Reignite That Romantic Spark

Prostock-studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Prostock-studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

On a long enough timeline, I think we all end up in the roommate phase of a relationship. I mean, I don’t think I personally know anyone who hasn’t ended up there at some point or another. It’s inevitable, even if you have the best of intentions!

When the honeymoon phase is long gone in the rearview mirror, it’s easy to feel like your partner is just a roommate and nothing more.

Life is chaotic. Careers are chaotic. It’s hard to find time to be yourself in the world we’re living in, let alone find time to devote to your significant other. And if you have kids on top of everything else? Forget it.

On the one hand, it is nice to feel so comfortable with your significant other that you can coexist peacefully as roommates, but let’s get real: it takes work to reignite the romantic spark you once had.

Luckily, it doesn’t exactly require a herculean effort. There are a few really easy things you can do with your partner to stir up those butterflies once again.

Don’t Forget The Importance Of Showing Affection On A Daily Basis

Roommates aren’t lounging around doing the whole Netflix and chill thing while holding hands or cuddling up close. They’re also not cooking dinner together and sharing kisses in between playing sous chef either.

Relationships become super routine, and that means showing affection usually slows down or stops over time. It’s normal; don’t freak out if you think I’m singling you out here.

So, don’t forget the importance of showing affection on a daily basis. I will shout this from the rooftops if I have to, and you can write it on a note and stick it on your laptop if you have to remind yourself.

Prostock-studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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