
She Owes Her Boyfriend $1,400, But She Doesn’t Feel She Should Be Required To Pay Him Back Since She Does Everything At Home

nikkimeel - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s been a little less than four years now that this 28-year-old woman and her 27-year-old boyfriend have been together, and they have lived under the same roof for close to the whole duration of their relationship.

She does the majority of the chores around their home and has done this since she can remember. She cuts her boyfriend’s hair and does all of the cleaning and cooking, too.

Rarely does her boyfriend turn the dishwasher on or do laundry, but other than that, he does not help her do anything.

Her boyfriend also refuses to make himself something as simple as a sandwich. If he wants that to eat, he asks her to make it for him.

In the past, she’s spent more money on furniture or groceries than her boyfriend has, so she doesn’t think things have been fair between them. It’s also worth pointing out that her boyfriend is in a much better financial situation than she is.

She works from home, so she can admit that’s why more of the chores have been left to her, but it bothers her that when her boyfriend is at home, he won’t offer to pitch in and help her out with chores. She has to ask him to lift a finger if she does want any kind of assistance.

“Not to mention that he does not plan dates or isn’t thoughtful when it comes to doing things for me, so I feel extremely unappreciated and frankly used,” she explained.

She does want her boyfriend to show her some thoughtfulness or make her feel like she’s valued.

She can’t afford to buy a car, so her boyfriend allows her to use his when she has to go somewhere, and he thinks this one thing means he does plenty for her.

nikkimeel – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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