
New Research Suggests Holographic Dark Energy Could Halt The Expansion Of The Universe And Cause A Long Freeze, In Which All Stars Wink Out And Die

In the end, the universe will cease all movement. The researchers call this scenario “the long freeze.” If it happens, there won’t be any new energy sources for all the matter still inside the universe.

As a result, all the stars will wink out and die. Additionally, all the subatomic particles will drift away from each other in the cold.

Other commonly known possible fates for the universe’s demise include the “Big Freeze,” where the universe will continue expanding with nothing to stop it, pushing galaxies farther and farther away. The universe will slowly cool until it can no longer sustain life.

Another fate is the “Big Crunch,” where something will cause the universe’s expansion to reverse and collapse back into itself, turning the universe into the biggest black hole ever.

The results of the study were published in the pre-print database arXiv.

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