
Mom Goes Viral For Posting A Letter Her Daughter Wrote To A Kid Who Bullied Her And Said She Was Fat

Instagram; Ivie smiles in the photo above

Mel pointed out that this child who called Ivie such a terrible name has “a different personality to Ivie” and “a different sense of humor.”

However, I think we can all agree that no little girl at the tender age of 8 should even have the word fat in their vocabulary at all.

Mel continued to share what Ivie said in her letter to this other girl. Ivie wrote, “but this is my body, and I love who I am.”

“I’ll never change it and I don’t care what you or other people think about myself I know my mummy and dads and family love me.”

Mel has worked hard as a mom to make sure all of her children respect and love their bodies. “I tell them they need to respect it and their body deserves the respect back,” she said.

Instagram; pictured above is the letter that Ivie wrote

Mel finished her post by acknowledging how proud she is of her daughter for learning how to stand up for herself at such a young age.

“I’m also extremely happy that the other girl acknowledged that Ivie’s feelings were hurt – they were friends again afterwards.”

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