
This Dentist Went Viral For Sharing Why You Should Never Kiss Your Baby On The Mouth

“It was at that moment that I realized oral hygiene was only part of the game. If I have this type of bacteria, then I would forever be predisposed to being cavity-prone. Much more than my friends, despite me having solid oral hygiene,” she explained.

It was heartbreaking for her to learn that she could transfer the same bacteria to her baby, making him cavity-prone as well.

In a third video, Dr. Joyce explained how there are so many ways that people unintentionally spread mouth bacteria. It can, of course, happen by kissing, but also by sharing cups and utensils.

She even recalled a common practice by most parents– testing your child’s food.

“I found myself several times licking a piece of food to make sure it wasn’t too spicy before giving it to him. Then, I realized I have to give him a separate piece than the one I licked,” Dr. Joyce said.

As a dentist, it is very easy for Dr. Joyce to understand the spread of bacteria. But, it can be harder to explain to babysitters and even other family members.

Still, she believes that all caregivers must be on board to prevent the spread.

“I just wanted to share because I don’t think that most people realize this can happen. I only learned this in dental school and wanted to pass along the information,” Dr. Joyce finished her third video.

Her series of videos sparked tons of interest from the TikTok community.

One user asked an excellent question about whether or not exposing your child to germs would help them build immunity. So, Dr. Joyce created yet another follow-up video to address this belief.

“I want to make a point that I am not afraid of bacteria; having bacteria is normal. But, when you know that a specific bacteria causes a specific problem, your best bet is to reduce that bacteria,” she explained.

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