
She’s Seeing A Guy Who Never Pays For Anything On Their Dates, And She’s Curious If This Is A Red Flag

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Red flags are more than just everyday annoyances or pet peeves when it comes to relationships.

We are not talking about the dirty clothes left on the bedroom floor next to the laundry basket or dishes piling up in the sink. Instead, red flags are more of a signal telling you to stay far, far away.

Although, to be fair, some red flags are not as noticeable as we think. In new relationships, we tend to overlook some of the “tiny” annoying behavioral issues until it clicks or our friends are waving a white flag in front of our face telling us to surrender.

It’s 2022, which means dating is entirely different than it used to be. For example, dates are often covered by both partners in most relationships. So it’s infrequent to hear people say, “the man should pay for everything.”

However, in some cases, you will find that even folks with financial stability look to their partner to provide for everything. Which, to most people, can be a huge red flag.

A woman (29) met a guy (31) about three weeks ago at a bar. Since then, they have been on four dates.

On the first date, they both paid separately. From then on, she has been awkwardly fronting the bill each time.

“I paid again (we were at the window and he just didn’t make a move to get his wallet out),” she said.

It’s important to note that she is a waitress and he’s an engineer. She does not know how much he makes, but does she need to?

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