
How To Make Lilac Sugar Cookies Using Real Lilac Flowers

darkfreya - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

If you’re like me, then spring is your favorite season. The colors, the new scents from everything coming alive again after the cold winter.

I may seem a little weird compared to those around me because when spring gets here that is when I start looking for things to forage.

In recent years I’ve started a new hobby that helps me get in nature more, foraging. Foraging isn’t as common as it once was, because as a society we have huge grocery stores so it’s not a necessity to grow or search for food anymore.

But there is a huge resurgence of foraging across the world. And the popularization of TikTok and other social media outlets has made it more accessible to new foragers.

Last year, when my mother’s lilac bush started to flower, I decided to look up some things you can make with lilac flowers.

There’s lilac cordial, a fizzy drink made with water, sugar, lemon juice, and lilac flowers. Nature soda, if you want. This is on my list of things I want to try before the lilac bush stops flowering.

You can also make lilac cookies using the flowers! To start the cookies, you have to go forage flowers.

Now if you don’t have a bush on your property, there are always public parks, asking neighbors to forage from their plants.

But please don’t just randomly go into someone’s yard without permission, that would be stealing. You could always offer them the fruit of your forage baking. Some nice light floral cookies or whatever you make with them.

darkfreya – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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