A Florida Mom Avoided After-School Childcare Costs During The 90s By Sending Her Children To Universal Studios, And The Ingenious Hack May Still Be Worth It Today

Everyone knows that the cost of after-school childcare is outrageous. And according to a 2021 Cost of Care Survey conducted by Care.com, the national average cost is two hundred and forty-four dollars per week.

That adds up to nearly one thousand dollars in extra expenses that families across the U.S. have to dish out every single month.

So, one Florida mom got creative and decided to cut costs while also providing her children with a darn good time.

Liv Vasquez, a chef, and TikTok influencer, recently shared how her mom avoided after-school care costs by sending her and her brother to Universal Studios in the 90s.

“My mom realized that it would be cheaper to get an annual pass to Universal Studios for two kids than it was to put us in an after-school program,” Liv said.

“So, me and my brother would take the bus after school to Universal Studios every day because our school bus dropped us off literally right in front of the studios,” she continued.

And the pair of siblings had a fantastic time. In fact, they would go on the Nickelodeon studio tour every single day.

Plus, Liv’s brother even applied to be on the classic Legends Of The Hidden Temple Nickelodeon show.

TikTok; pictured above is Liv’s pass

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The TikTok community was utterly blown away by this ingenious idea. Liv’s video reached over six hundred thousand people, gained one hundred and thirteen thousand likes, and spurred eight hundred comments.

“This is smart as hell! And I am sure so much more fun for you guys!” commented one user.

“Yes!!! Prioritizing play AND saving money? Exemplary!” wrote a second user.

“This is so 90s,” joked a third commenter, followed by a laughing emoji.

Nonetheless, this after-school care hack may still be a viable option today. According to Universal Orlando’s website, an annual ticket– also known as a “Power Pass”– goes for only four hundred and seventy-four dollars.

Compared to the average cost of childcare in the U.S., the pass is just nine dollars per week. Plus, other parks such as Disney and Six Flags also offer comparable annual passes. An annual ticket to Six Flags Great Adventure, for example, goes for only nine dollars and seventy-five cents per month.

And while an annual pass to Walt Disney World in Florida is a bit pricier at one thousand and three hundred dollars, this expense still breaks down to twenty-five dollars a week. That is only ten percent of the nationwide weekly average childcare cost.

So, if your child is old enough to visit the attractions with a sibling or some friends on their own, amusement parks may be a win-win for your family.

And to watch Liv’s original TikTok, visit the link here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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