
Newly Released Body Cam Footage Caught The Moment When Indiana Police Officers Help Catch A Family Jumping From A Burning Building

Last week, police officers in Madison, Indiana, heroically rescued a family from a burning apartment building.

The blaze began on July 3 at about 1:00 a.m., when officers were called to the scene on Walnut Street.

The City of Madison Police Department explained how, after quickly assessing the situation, the officers noticed numerous people were trapped inside an upstairs apartment.

“At the top of the stairs, there was heavy fire and heavy fire at the front door. So there was no way we could make entry into that apartment,” explained Senior Patrolman Josh Nolan.

But, body cams worn by the officers were able to catch the miraculous moment when a child broke a window and began evacuating.

“The first thing I remember seeing or hearing was glass breaking. I knew immediately there was somebody in that apartment up there,” recalled Detective Shawn Scudder.

Then, the MPD officers waited below– catching five children and one adult female while they jumped from the second-story window.

The children ranged from ages three to thirteen, and the female was the children’s grandmother who had been babysitting.

Facebook; pictured above MPD officers catch the children and woman who jumped from the window

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