She Discovered Her Mother-In-Law’s Secret Diary After She Passed Away And Found Out About A Major Family Secret

Victoria Chudinova - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person
Victoria Chudinova - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A thirty-year-old woman’s mother-in-law recently passed away. Her husband of eight years has been taking it pretty hard, along with his sister and father.

The woman was on good terms with her mother-in-law despite never being super close. Nonetheless, her father-in-law asked if she could help sort through the mother-in-law’s belongings.

After all, it can be tough for family members to go through a loved one’s belongings and relive all their memories after they just passed.

So, the woman agreed and began going through her mother-in-law’s things following the funeral. But, she discovered some appalling secrets.

“I had gone through everything until I got to an old diary of hers from the 80s. I know it’s my fault for being nosy, but I did not know what it was,” the woman explained.

Inside, the woman learned that her husband’s mother not only had another child that the rest of the family did not know about but also that she was married to another man.

“She always boasted about only being married once and said that my father-in-law was the only husband for her,” the woman recalled.

Nevertheless, her mother-in-law apparently lived an entirely separate life. She described having trouble raising her “eldest daughter” before sending her away to a “tough love boot camp.”

But, the effort failed, and the daughter ended up running away. She ended up blaming her ex-husband for their parenting struggles and divorced him over it.

Victoria Chudinova – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“In the back of the diary, there was a copy of the daughter’s birth certificate and a picture of her as a teen,” the woman also revealed.

Now, with her mother-in-law’s past life exposed, the woman has no clue what to do. She realizes that her mother-in-law literally just passed away, and the entire family is still grieving. But, at the same time, the woman is not sure how long she should hold onto the dark secrets.

If you were the woman, would you tell your husband and his family what you discovered? If so, how long would you wait to spill the beans? 

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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