
Two California Junior Lifeguards Helped Rescue A Pilot After A Banner Plane Collided With The Surf

Soon after, other lifeguards arrived on the scene to help pull the pilot from the surf. He was then rushed to the hospital with miraculously very minor injuries.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is still investigating the cause of the plane crash. In the meantime, though, both Jake and Aidan are being praised for their rescue efforts.

The Huntington Beach Fire Department shared the story in a Facebook update where community members shared their appreciation for the first responders and gratitude that no one was injured.

“We are proud of you all for the rescue,” commented one user.

“I cannot believe not a single person was injured on the beach. Thank god!!!” wrote a second user.

“You guys are all awesome. Thank you!” commented a third.

To view the original Facebook update, visit the link here.

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