Are Museums Great For Dates? People Discuss Whether Or Not This Is Actually A Good Idea - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

Singles are always looking for inventive date ideas aside from going out to dinner or grabbing some drinks.

After all, engaging in activities with a date can actually be a great way to cut through the awkwardness, open up, and make some fun memories together.

Some popular options have always included attending events like comedy shows and concerts, as well as more hands-on activities like going to Top Golf or hitting the ice rink.

But, one debated date location is museums. Will viewing historical works elevate an outing or just bore your date to death?

Reddit users recently divulged their opinions on the “museum date” and shared some pretty good points.

‘Dinner And Drinks’ Is Getting Old

“The older I get, the less I find, ‘Let’s get drinks!’ appealing. If a random asked me on a date to a museum, I would be ecstatic.”


Museums Are Great Conversation Starters

“I went to a museum for a first date, and now, we are married! I think that if you both like museums, it is a good low-pressure first date because the works give you a lot to talk about.” – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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“The conversation flows more naturally than when you are staring at each other over a meal.”


And Some Offer More Hands-On Activities Aside From Browsing

“It is totally a good date idea! You should see if the museum offers any scavenger hunt activities.”

“I did that at the Met in New York City, and it was so much fun. It is almost impossible not to have an interesting conversation because you have a sheet of clues that you have to figure out together. It is super fun and a neat way to get to know someone.”


Just Beware Of Trying To Lecture Your Date

“It is fantastic unless you are going just to teach them about things. That, despite your best intentions, can come off as a little condescending.”


“That’s a good point. I love going to museums and talking about the work. But, getting ‘taught’ during a date would be excruciating.”


And Going To “Out There” Museums 

“I absolutely LOVE the Museum of Death in Hollywood. It turns out that most women do not, lol.”


“It depends on the museum and the person I am going with. John Wayne Gacy at a museum that dives into various torture methods through time? I would rather not. Going with a nice guy to just about any other type of museum? Probably.”


Also, Bailing During A Museum Date Can Be More Tricky

“Museums can be pricey, and you are basically trapped there if it turns out that you do not like the person. Coffee dates, on the other hand, are a lot easier to bail on.”


After considering all of these thoughts, would you go on a museum date? If so, what museum would you choose? 

You can read the complete Reddit thread linked here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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