
His Fiancée Unexpectedly Dumped Him To Be With A Guy She Met On The Internet When She Was Just 16-Years-Old

Evgeniya Grande - - illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

A 25-year-old guy has been in a relationship with his 24-year-old fiancée for 4 years, and they were just in the middle of planning on moving in with one another on a permanent basis after living together for a bit recently.

He and his fiancée found the house of their dreams, and they even were about to make an offer to buy it.

Reflecting back on the past few years he has been with his fiancée, he has to say that they were nothing but happy to be together, and they never argued about anything.

They have the same tastes, and the plans they each had for their lives lined up perfectly…until this past Sunday.

This weekend, his fiancée sent him a shocking text message outlining the fact that she’s been friendly with a guy online for the last 7 years, and she’s leaving him for this random man.

She originally met this guy when she was 16 through the internet, and although she’s only met him a handful of times, he revealed that he’s in love with her. so she’s hitting the brakes on their engagement.

“…And just like that, over 4 days of deliberation she decides to tell me that she wants to end things right then and there, even offers to send my stuff back, cancel shared subscriptions and tells me I can keep our dog, all in the same message,” he explained.

“At this point, I am in complete disbelief and shock. I let her know my feelings, and she insists on this decision, at the same time admitting that we had a great relationship and that she still loves me.”

“Her dad told me that she had been crying, locked in her room, and hasn’t eaten anything in a week leading up to this.”

Evgeniya Grande – – illustrative purpose only, not the actual person

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