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Discover the impact of legal fees on a couple's finances. Follow the story of a woman faced with unexpected expenses…
It’s certainly normal for couples to discuss getting engaged, and setting a timeframe for that goal isn’t unusual. But to…
Discover the terrifying experience of a mom when her baby got stuck on a train. Thankfully, kind strangers stepped in…
Discover the challenges faced by a teenager when his dad misused the child support his mom paid. Read the full…
Discover the shocking story of a woman whose husband found out about a secret child from his past relationship.
Discover a heartbreaking story of a 19-year-old girl's experience living with her stepmom and the devastating impact of divorce.
Her best friend is marrying her ex-boyfriend tomorrow, and she's not sure how to move past it, since it still…
When love clashes with pet ownership: find out how one woman is grappling with the decision to keep or give…
This woman who faced a shocking breakup due to her lack of cooking skills and not fitting her boyfriend's idea…
Discover Rylee's unusual experience of meeting a guy through Facebook Dating and the bizarre turn of events that happened on…