Her Son’s Girlfriend Has Been Living In Their House And Not Paying Rent, So She Told Her She Has To Get A Job This Month Or She’s Getting Kicked Out

racool_studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
racool_studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This mom has a 21-year-old son who started dating his 21-year-old girlfriend named Amber 3 years ago.

As 2021 came to a close, she allowed Amber to move into their house, as Amber’s parents were moving to another state.

Amber had nobody to stay with, and she didn’t want to move somewhere new. On to nf this, her son sobbed for weeks on end about Amber having to move, so she decided to let Amber move in with them.

Before Amber moved in, though, she made it crystal clear to Amber and to her son that she wanted them to both pay rent.

Their rent money would go to paying for food and also the hot water they would be using in their house.

She just wanted to charge Amber and her son for just those things, which came out to about $400.

She also told Amber that she needed to find a job in order to live under their roof, and Amber and her son agreed to everything.

She then put their agreement in writing and had Amber and her son sign it before getting the agreement notarized.

“In the first couple of months, it really appeared like Amber was trying to get a job, but after that, she just full-on stopped,” she explained.

racool_studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

“If I asked if she had rent, she would immediately be like “you know I don’t” and just shrugged it off. My son was paying the entire rent by himself. Which, whatever. If he wants to do that, then that’s on him. But it was the lack of caring and the complete taking advantage of the situation that (upset me). After about 7 months, I sat Amber down and reminded her of my agreement and told her she was walking on thin ice and that I was fed up with her not even attempting to hold up her end of the deal.”

Amber replied back that she needed her to be understanding of the fact that she was upset about not seeing her parents in a long time and was having difficulty even wanting to get herself out of bed every morning.

She did feel for Amber, and she mentioned to Amber that she could help her get into therapy to deal with what she was going through.

Amber then stated that she would go to therapy when she felt up to it, but that never actually happened. Instead, Amber kept coming up with more excuses as to why she couldn’t get a job and pay rent and be productive.

“Well, this month, I saw that my hot water bill skyrocketed by an extra $300,” she said. “It then came to my attention that Amber has been showering THREE times a day because “standing under the scolding water is the only thing that takes away my sadness.”

“At this point, I was done. I’m forking out an extra $700 a month with no help from her, and my son is struggling to pay her portion because he is in college. So I again told her she needed a job. She pulls the “I’m so depressed I can barely drag myself out of bed. I can’t work outside of this house.”

“I snapped and said I refuse to accept her millions of mental illness excuses anymore, and either she finds a job within the month, or I’m canceling her lease, and she can get…out. She ran to the room crying and slammed the door.”

She’s left wondering if it’s too harsh of her to kick Amber out if she doesn’t find a job ASAP. What do you think?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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