Her Teenaged Son Left Her Front Door Wide Open Again, And Their Cat Has Been Missing Ever Since, So She Hit Her Breaking Point And Sent Her Son To Stay With His Dad

Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat
Africa Studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

This forty-five-year-old woman is currently a single mom, and she does not have many rules. However, she does expect her children to follow the few rules she has in her home since they are for safety and common courtesy.

She claims that her oldest son, who is eighteen, has always had difficulty understanding that.

According to her, he often does not follow the rules and is also extremely irresponsible– not understanding how much his actions affect others.

More recently, her son has also been acting out. Whenever he does something wrong, he will apparently become “irrationally angry” or attempt to rationalize his behavior.

“Any comment, even constructive criticism, is met with aggressive anger and name-calling,” she said.

Even her son has admitted to having anger issues, too, and is reportedly working on them by going to a therapist regularly.

Still, the progress has been slow. And now that her son is legally an adult, he has become more aggressive.

Whenever she gets into a disagreement with him, her son will scream at her, call her names, and claim that she can no longer tell him what to do.

On top of that, her son has made some pretty poor decisions that have reportedly impacted her family in a negative way.

Africa Studio – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual cat

Despite those mistakes, though, he never takes responsibility for the consequences– and she just cannot take it anymore.

“If this was any other relationship and not my child, I would have ended it long ago,” she revealed.

“I am sick of his blow-ups and being called names in my own home. And I am sick of him doing whatever he wants with no regard for how his actions affect others. It causes a lot of unneeded stress.”

So, after her son disregarded her rules one more time this week, she hit her breaking point.

It all began after her son went out one evening. Then, after he returned home, he did not lock the door or even check to ensure that it was latched.

At that time, though, she remembered hearing her son walk in and calling out for him to make sure the door was locked– since she was in the back of the house.

But, it appears that her son blatantly ignored her because the door was left wide open. Plus, one of her cats ended up getting out and has been missing ever since.

Now, this is far from the first time her son has failed to lock or even just close the front door. In fact, she has woken up twice over the past year to find her front door wide open in the middle of the night.

Thankfully, during both of those incidents, all of her pets had been secured in other rooms and were unable to run out. Perhaps more importantly, no intruders walked inside her home.

But, due to this most recent front door situation, coupled with her son’s anger issues, she honestly no longer feels safe with him living in her house.

So, she ended up calling her son’s father in tears to vent about this whole situation. Then, he immediately went over to her house and helped her look for the cat.

“He spent hours combing the neighborhood with me and agrees that our son’s behavior is not okay,” she added.

Her son also helped look for the cat, too. But she claims that he still does not understand why she is so upset over what he did.

In fact, her son just called it a mistake, but she told her son that a mistake that continues to happen is a choice. So, through his choices, she claimed that her son had demonstrated no regard for the safety of her family.

And now, in order to ensure the safety of herself, her other children, and her pets, she has asked her son’s father if he could take in her son for a while. Her son is currently really angry at her for doing that, but quite frankly, she just needed a break.

“I am heartbroken our cat is still missing and worried about how my other children will react when we tell them, and I am so angry that it could have all been prevented,” she vented.

Nonetheless, she has still been left wondering if reaching her breaking point and sending her son to stay with his father was the wrong way to handle this situation.

Why do you think her son refuses to respect her house rules? Is it understandable that she has reached her breaking point? Is sending her son to stay with his father reasonable or not? How would you have dealt with this?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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