Her Videos About WASP Moms On TikTok Are Something That You Definitely Will Get A Kick Out Of

What is it like living with a WASP mom? For some, this isn’t a foreign experience. But for those who aren’t subjected to the pretentious prejudice of the WASP mom, actress, and YouTuber Caitlin Reilly has got you covered.
On TikTok, she goes by @itscaitlinhello and produces videos about WASP moms, mockingly impersonating the behavior and attitudes of these women– something that has skyrocketed her TikTok account to 2.2 million followers.
It’s important to understand the morphological background in order to understand the jokes about WASP moms. According to Collins Dictionary, WASP is an acronym given to people–not just moms–who fall into the category of White Anglo-Saxon Protestants.
“WASP is used to refer to the people in American society whose ancestors came from northern Europe, especially England, and who were formerly considered to have a lot of power and influence,” as defined in the dictionary.
Essentially WASPs are the white rich people who believe that they are better than everyone else and deserve everything.
They often don’t treat people well or equally based on factors like social status: think of all of the connotations of a Karen, but very pretentious.
This is the exact idea that Caitlin gets across in her videos. She even gave this character a WASP-like name: Cheryl.
She has endless videos in this series on her channel. Caitlin mocks things like making phone calls, ordering takeout, attending weddings, getting coffee at Starbucks, and conversing over FaceTime, all through the lens of the WASP mom and the way in which she would behave.
The most notable characteristic that she pushes through her character, Cheryl, is tone of voice. In character, she frequently uses a patronizing snobby voice with an extremely fake laugh.

Tyler Olson – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
The best way to grasp this is to listen to her videos, but even the things that she says conform to this, like in a video about WASP moms ordering pizza over the phone.
“I would like one large cheese pizza, and I would like some extra chili flakes,” she said with a patronizing tone and fake laugh. “I asked for that last time; I didn’t get it–I was really dissatisfied–so if you’d remember that this time, that’d be great.”
In many of her videos, WASP Cheryl appears to have a problem that she is complaining about. She always gets mad and starts arguing with staff.
“I’m sitting outside with my daughter, and there is a dog outside,” she said in a video about WASPs at Starbucks. “And it’s just barking at us, and I feel unsafe.”
This video is a great depiction of WASP moms in public, especially when she starts getting annoyed after asking for unreasonable requests.
“I was wondering if you could just remove the dog?” Caitlin said as Cheryl. “The owner is outside with the dog, I just–I want the dog removed. I don’t think dogs should be where coffee is.”
But she quickly escalates into an obtrusive customer and the epitome of the WASP mom.
“Okay, well, if there’s a manager that I can speak with because I am here as a patron of Starbucks, and I’m asking you as a customer to do something, and I don’t think you’re doing that for me, okay?” she said.
Many of us have probably encountered a WASP in our lives, but in case you are still wondering what it’s like, Caitlin’s videos are the best place to start– and maybe also the best place to learn how not to be a WASP mom yourself.
Watch the two videos mentioned here and here. Check out the rest of her WASP mom videos on her page.
@itscaitlinhello Cheryl is back. #fyp #foryou #foryoupage #quarantine #essentialbusiness #waspmom #may4th #comedy
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