She’s Sharing Her Rules For A First Date That She Thinks You Should Follow

Liubov Levytska - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Liubov Levytska - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Dating in this day and age isn’t easy, and first dates, in general, are nerve-racking enough already. The ordeal of meeting someone for the first time, coming up with first date outfit ideas, and preparing for endless conversation topics is almost just too much to bear at times.

Brenna Berg (@brennaberg), a creator on TikTok, shared a list of rules on what you both should and should not be doing to help relieve some of that first date awkwardness.

Brenna feels very strongly about the accuracy of her list, even going so far as to beg viewers to take her advice.

The first point on her list is to never have the other person pick you up on a first date and vice versa. She describes the uncertainty of whether or not you should stay in the car or get out of the car to greet the date you’re picking up.

In order to avoid that awkward situation altogether, Brenna suggests just meeting at the date spot, so you’ll be able to “walk into the date.”

She also tells viewers that it’s perfectly fine to be a little bit late to a first date because it’s much more stressful to be waiting anxiously for your date to arrive than to just be slightly late.

Many people commented in agreement with this piece of advice. “This is the best dating advice I’ve come across on here,” commented one user.

Brenna also mentions a very important point that is number ten on her list: go into the date expecting friendship.

Having too many expectations can put a lot of pressure on a first date. First dates are all about getting to know the other person in a relaxed environment, not about planning out the rest of your lives together!

Liubov Levytska – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Brenna recommends going on dates with people who seem cool so that you’ll be gaining a friend, even if the dating part doesn’t work out.

But most importantly, Brenna stresses that when going on a first date, make sure you chill out and have fun!

“You just need to go in with confidence, like this could be fun. I’m just meeting a new person, and it can evolve from there,” advises Brenna.

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Emily  Chan is a writer who covers lifestyle and news content. She graduated from Michigan State University with a ... More about Emily Chan

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