Her Brother And His Girlfriend Always Depend On Her To Care For Her Nephew, But After Her Nephew Stared Calling Her “Mama,” They Freaked Out And Demanded That She Apologize

This 32-year-old woman has a younger brother named John, who is 26-years-old. And three years ago, John and his girlfriend, Amy, welcomed her nephew Junior into the world.
So, as of this year, Junior is now 3-years-old. But, while she loves her nephew, she has actually started to resent John and Amy– because apparently, she is always expected to help care for Junior like a “big sister.”
In fact, she claims that her brother and his girlfriend always assume that she can just be an on-call babysitter. Other times, they reportedly “emotionally pressure” her into caring for her nephew.
Now, according to her, part of this situation stems back to when John and Amy found out they were expecting.
“They were terrified about telling their parents, and I said that no matter what happens, I would always be there,” she recalled.
Plus, after Junior was born prematurely– and everyone was frightened for the baby’s health– she reportedly renewed that promise.
Despite her nephew now progressing just fine and being healthy, though, John and Amy keep throwing her promise back in her face whenever she complains about helping out with Junior.
Her other family members have jumped on the bandwagon, too, and reportedly chastise her for even making such a promise in the first place.
Honestly, though, she revealed that John and Amy’s expectations are not just some weekend babysitting here and there. Instead, they would actually drop just drop Junior off at her front door without any warning.

FotoAndalucia – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
She even considered contacting Child Protective Services (CPS) if the couple did it again. But, she admitted that she is too scared to go through with it since she is not sure how it would affect Junior. And she claims that John and Amy know that and count on it, too.
On top of all this, she is also one of the few people who Junior really responds well to. After all, he has seen her nearly every day of his life– a fact that her other family members even use to justify her constant care of her nephew.
She obviously has to support herself, though, so she does work. And because of that, Amy and John were forced to place Junior in daycare during business hours.
However, her nephew reportedly had a pretty difficult time there. On more than one occasion, the daycare workers actually had to call her in hopes that she would be able to calm Junior down. Apparently, the workers attempted to contact both John and Amy first– but neither of the parents picked up the phone.
So, since she actually works quite close to her nephew’s daycare, she has stopped by on occasion to spend her lunch break with Junior. And she claims that this really helped him transition into the new routine.
Then, after daycare, she is also the person who always picks her nephew up to bring him home. And because of this, many people at the daycare just assumed that she was Junior’s mother.
Honestly, she was just too tired to correct those people, either.
Eventually, though, her nephew picked up on the title. So now, he has developed a habit of calling her “mama” instead of Amy.
And if you could not have guessed, Junior’s confusion has sparked some serious drama between her, John, and Amy.
It all began this past Saturday when John and Amy took Junior to a gathering with Amy’s side of the family. Then, while there, her nephew actually started calling Amy by her first name.
Plus, when Junior started asking for his “mama,” it became clear that the little boy was actually referring to her.
“He also told everyone that he didn’t like living with Amy because she doesn’t make “dinnycakes” (dinosaur-shaped pancakes), doesn’t put him to bed right, doesn’t color with him, and that I give better hugs,” she revealed.
So, as you can imagine, Amy was absolutely humiliated and completely furious with her. In fact, Amy believes that she is actually trying to turn Junior against his mother.
Since then, John has taken his girlfriend’s side, too. And the pair have demanded that she provides a public apology to Amy’s family and correct Junior whenever he calls her “mama.”
Quite frankly, though, she was so angry that she simply refused to do that. Instead, she told John and Amy that if they wanted Junior to view Amy as his mother, then she needed to act like one. Moreover, she told the couple to stop leaving Junior and expecting her to care for him.
Still, even though she feels like she has a right to put her foot down, she has been left wondering whether not correcting her nephew when he called her “mama” makes her a total jerk or not.
Is it right for Amy and John to rely on her as though she is Junior’s mother, then get angry when her nephew views her as his sole caretaker? Is it Amy and John’s fault their son is confused? Did she go too far by telling Amy and John off, or was it justified? How would you have handled this situation?
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