
She Grabbed Coffee With A Girl She Went To High School With, But Then This Girl Got Mad That She Never Apologized Years Ago For Bullying Her - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever had an interaction with someone in your past that did not go as planned?

It happened to one woman recently who, by chance, got coffee with someone she knew from high school. Unfortunately, what started as a nice catch-up session ended with her friend storming out in a rage. 

She’s a 30-year-old doctor who has been caring for one of her patients for some time now. As it turns out, the patient is close friends with a woman named Anne, who she knew in high school. 

When Anne discovered she was her friend’s doctor, she reached out and insisted that they go out for a cup of coffee.

“With Anne’s persistence, I agreed to grab a cup of coffee with her over my break,” she explained.

“We talked about the old days and all. She said she had a husband and two kids. After Anne asked, I told her I now had a wife and a four-year-old daughter.”

Anne then asked her to show her pictures of her family. After looking at them, she unexpectedly laughed and said it was ironic how she was married to a woman, given their past in high school.

Looking back on those days, Anne was a tomboy while she was a cheerleader. Although she doesn’t remember everything that went down, she remembers not being very kind to Anne.

Even if she didn’t aggressively bully Anne herself, she became a bystander when her friends would tease her and call her names. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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