
She Thought She Was Dating An Absolute Gentleman, But Then She Got Ghosted, Only To Run Into Him Years Later, And The Second Chance She Gave Him Didn’t Really Work Out

Petro - - illustrative purposes only

A few years ago, Alexis Germany Fox (@thealexisgermanyfox) met a guy who was an attorney. They hit it off, and their relationship was going super well.

He was an absolute gentleman who treated her to cute dates, and they constantly chatted on the phone at the end of the day.

However, the situation drastically changed when Alexis went out of town one weekend. At first, things seemed normal. He was still checking up on her and asking about her day.

But by the end of the weekend, she realized she hadn’t heard a word from him for an entire day. Alexis didn’t think anything of it, but when Monday rolled around, he still hadn’t contacted her.

So Alexis reached out and asked if they were still on for dinner sometime during the week. In return, all she received was radio silence.

Of course, Alexis moved on. But two years later, he popped back up into her life. It was summer, and she was enjoying herself at a pre-season NBA game when suddenly, she made eye contact with a guy who seemed familiar.

And what do you know? It was the lawyer who ghosted her! He approached her and asked her out to dinner. But Alexis wanted an explanation of his past behavior before seeing if they should proceed.

It turned out that he had a kid. And as his relationship with Alexis progressed, he began to feel it was too late to break the news to her. So instead of communicating, he ghosted her instead.

Alexis didn’t feel like she was in a position to judge him because that was something she had never dealt with before in dating. But she did wish he had felt comfortable enough to share this information with her beforehand, so they could learn to navigate the waters together.

Petro – – illustrative purposes only

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