
Wedding Planners Are Worth It: Here Are 5 Ways They Can Save You Time, Money, And Stress

While you might be tying the knot for the first time, though, a wedding planner has gone down this road countless times before. And with their professional expertise, they can navigate the nitty gritty to help save your bottom line.

When negotiating with vendors, for instance, you may want to avoid unnecessary fees. Or, you may want to change courses for your big day and get out of a contract altogether.

In these instances, a wedding planner will be able to help. Since they work in the wedding space– and can be a referral source for other brides and grooms in the future– vendors, venues, florists, and other contractors want to preserve their working relationship.

So, these businesses may be more lenient or flexible when wedding planners advocate on your behalf as opposed to you just advocating for yourself. After all, they know that your planner has the ability to contribute to or take away from future sales– and they want to avoid the latter.

2. They Are Budget Savvy

Setting and sticking to a wedding budget may seem easy. But you may go from wanting to upgrade your floral arrangements to realizing that you are thousands of dollars over your budget in a matter of days.

Wedding planners have seen it all before, so they can help you avoid unnecessary expenses.

Think of yourself as the CEO of your wedding day: you have the “big picture” vision and a bunch of ideas on how you want your day to go. And by your side is your wedding planner or CFO– who uses your ideas to figure out how to stretch your budget and make it all happen.

3. Discounts Galore

In a similar vein, wedding planners can help you stay within your budget by flexing their industry connections.

When newlyweds go to speak with vendors, they may be hit with price-gauged rates. But, when experienced wedding planners enter the equation, vendors know they cannot pull a fast one and get away with it.

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