
His Girlfriend’s Younger Brother Surprise Proposed At His Girlfriend’s Housewarming Party, And He Ended Up Scolding Him

Steve Alejandro - - illustrative purposes only

Have you ever had a special moment ruined by someone else taking up all the attention?

It can feel really cruddy when you try to enjoy getting recognized for something, and someone swoops in to turn the attention toward them. 

One man recently scolded his girlfriend’s younger brother, who decided to have a surprise marriage proposal right in the middle of her housewarming party. Now, his girlfriend’s family is giving him a lot of grief. 

His girlfriend is part of a family who has a bad habit of ruining many of her special moments or milestones.

For instance, after one of her school graduations, her father brought his new girlfriend to the celebratory dinner, and her accomplishment was overshadowed by a massive family screaming match.

This kept happening to his girlfriend as she got older, and he was getting tired of it. 

Recently, she bought her first house and was very excited to host a housewarming party so she could celebrate. 

“She put so much work into everything,” he remembered. “The house looked amazing, and the food was delicious.”

Then, his girlfriend’s younger brother, who is notorious for getting away with things in their family, did something very unexpected after everyone had finished dinner at the party. 

Steve Alejandro – – illustrative purposes only

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