
She Had An Outburst And Called Her Sister Fat After Her Sister Ruined Her New Couch

Drobot Dean - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

Have you ever commented on a family member’s appearance that you regretted?

One woman recently had an outburst and called her sister fat when she ruined her new couch. Now she wonders if her delivery was too harsh.

She’s in her early 20s and has had to grow up very fast after escaping her abusive household at the age of 17.

Once she graduated high school, she moved out and began couch surfing. When she turned 18, she began renting her first apartment with her boyfriend. They both worked very long weeks at minimum-wage jobs to pay rent and furnish their apartment.

For two years, she and her boyfriend began saving money for a car. They got new jobs with higher salaries to better support themselves.

For a while, they didn’t have a couch in their apartment. But thankfully, someone from their apartment building donated a couch that someone had left behind. Finally, it felt like their home was complete.

Once they had a couch, they began hosting game nights and invited her sister and brother-in-law. Her sister is a heavy woman and weighs around 375 pounds.

“My sister couldn’t fit into any of our chairs, so she sat on our couch,” she explained.

“We originally didn’t have a problem with this until we noticed our couch began to [form a] divet in the middle, and the bar that held the futon together underneath started to bend.”

Drobot Dean – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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