
He Wants To Sell A Family Heirloom Worth Five Figures To Fund His Lavish Wedding, But His Family Is Furious

Still, he claimed that the only reason he got the family heirloom was because, traditionally, the item was passed down to first-born sons. But it is important to note that he and his fiancée do not plan to ever have children.

“And I think my brother assumed, therefore, that he or his children would be in line to get it if I were to pass away,” he revealed.

That’s why after he and his soon-to-be wife had a discussion and decided to sell the family heirloom to fund their lavish wedding, his brother– who also happens to be his best man– was beyond furious. His brother was so mad, in fact, that he actually claimed to want nothing to do with the event anymore.

Apparently, his brother believes that he and his wife are acting like spoiled brats. And since finding out that he planned to sell the heirloom, his brother has even convinced his uncle and cousins not to attend the wedding anymore, either.

“With our parents having passed away, this means that virtually none of my family will attend the wedding, which I am really upset about,” he vented.

He believes that, since he legally inherited the heirloom, he has a right to do anything he wants with it. He also thought that his brother was just upset since selling the heirloom would “ruin” his brother’s chance of ever inheriting the item.

But ever since his uncle and cousins took his brother’s side, he’s been having second thoughts. That’s why he’s since been left wondering whether selling the family heirloom to fund his wedding would actually be a jerky thing to do.

Even if the heirloom is legally his to do whatever he wants with, does that make selling the item right? If you knew that other family members cared so much about a family heirloom in your possession, would you ever dream of selling it? Is it worth pawning a sentimental item for one expensive evening? Do you think he should reconsider his plans?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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