
Her Sister Cheated While At Her Bachelorette Party, And Now She Isn’t Sure If She Should Tell Her Brother-In-Law

Although Kate then proceeded to start badmouthing her marriage, revealing how her husband had been talking about wanting to split up.

According to her, this was not the first time she learned her sister had been having issues in her marriage, either.

“It’s known among our family that my brother-in-law is upset and disappointed with my sister because she goes out to bars and gets really flat-out drunk most weekends and some weekdays,” she revealed.

Her brother-in-law, on the other hand, is much more introverted and just does not enjoy going out or getting drunk with her sister. So, he thinks her sister’s behavior is immature, and he has gotten pretty fed up with it– especially because they were planning to start a family sometime soon.

Anyway, after her sister broke down in the club, she did calm down a bit. Then, she and the rest of the group were able to head back to the Airbnb that they had rented for the weekend.

But, the following morning, her sister still wanted to talk to her about what happened in private. During that conversation, her sister proceeded to accuse Kate of being really rude for intervening and passing judgment on the cheating.

At that point, she realized her sister’s attitude had completely flipped from the night before– when her sister was really apologetic and regretful and even thanked Kate for getting involved.

“But to be honest, this kind of attitude switch is not surprising from my sister,” she admitted.

“She has a strong personality and changes her mind really quickly. And she often has to have the final say and gets angry easily when things don’t go her way.”

So, her sister just kept ranting and claiming that her friends did not have any right to talk or judge. And while her sister did admit again that the cheating was wrong, she still thought her sister seemed more annoyed than guilty or remorseful.

Regardless, the group eventually had to return home at the end of the weekend. Yet, after they split up, her sister kept talking about the incident at the club.

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