
Her Sister Makes Her Husband Uncomfortable Every Time She Visits, So She Finally Went Off On Her Sister For Not Respecting Him

Minerva Studio - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

If you’ve ever brought a friend or partner over to meet your family, chances are, you were embarrassed by one of them at some point.

One woman is unsure of what to do after going off on her sister because she makes her husband uncomfortable anytime she visits. 

She is very close to her mom and sister, who often visit her house. She comes from a very touchy-feely family who loves to show friendly affection.

“It’s never made us uncomfortable, and it’s just thought of as being friendly,” she explained.

However, her husband is a different story. He cannot stand being touched for several reasons. He’s a sweet and loving man but has issues with being touched by people he isn’t that close to.

For instance, she wasn’t allowed to show him physical affection until they were deep into their relationship. 

Everyone in her family has accepted the way her husband is and leaves him alone except for one person, her sister.

Her sister tries to be very playful with her husband. Anytime she visits with them, she sneaks up behind her husband and scares him, then tries to wrap him up in a big hug afterward. She often places her hands around or on his arm when speaking to him. 

This is how her sister normally interacts with people, but for some reason, she can’t understand that her husband doesn’t want to be touched in that way.

Minerva Studio – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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