
Her Dad Said He Booked A Vacation And Won’t Be Attending Her Wedding, All Because She Didn’t Invite Her Stepmom To Go Dress Shopping With Her

Viacheslav Yakobchuk - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

It’s upsetting when you’re trying to plan your dream wedding but feel like you have to please everyone around you in the process.

One woman is stuck in a storm of family drama after not inviting her stepmother to go wedding dress shopping. Now, her dad is saying he won’t go to her wedding.

She’s 22 years old and got engaged last summer. Although she’s excited to get married, issues within her family have made wedding planning quite stressful.

Her parents are divorced, and her dad remarried. Unfortunately, her parents don’t do anything together, and she can’t have her mom and stepmom involved in the same wedding planning activities. 

When her mom threw her an engagement party for her side of the family, her dad and stepmom let her know that her stepmom was upset about missing out on the celebrations.

So, she decided to do some wedding planning activities with her stepmom and different ones with her mom so that she could please everyone. She does see her stepmom like another mother figure and wanted to make sure her feelings weren’t hurt.

However, her stepmom had a weird request. She didn’t want to know about the planning activities she wouldn’t be involved in.

This fall, she carefully selected which wedding planning activities each person would be involved in. She asked her stepmom to pick the venue with her, and it went well.

In October, her stepmom asked her when they’d go wedding dress shopping together. However, she had already gone shopping and picked out her dress with her mom one month before.

Viacheslav Yakobchuk – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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