
Her Sister Wants A Piece of Artwork That She’s Had In Her House For The Past 14 Years, And She’s Struggling With Telling Her Sister No - - illustrative purposes only

This woman’s sister wants a piece of artwork that she’s had in her house for the past 14 years, and she’s struggling with how to tell her sister no.

The piece has been a staple decor item in the past eight places she’s lived in, and her sister and mother have even helped her move it on multiple occasions.

The artwork also holds a lot of sentimental value because her late grandfather made it.

When her grandfather passed, her sister let her take her pick of any of the artwork that she had in her room, with no exclusions.

She selected her piece, and years later realized it says “Happy Birthday,” and her sister’s name is written on the bottom.

If she had known this prior, she probably would have selected a different piece, but her sister didn’t seem to care regardless and donated the majority of the other items.

“And while I’ve now carefully moved it from place to place, she’s had no regard for that care. I’ve loved and cherished and proudly displayed it all this time,” she explained.

Now that her sister has her own house, her sister is requesting that she return the artwork that she’s had for so long.

However, instead of a request made with consideration or gentleness, it came off as more of a demand, and her sister made no offer to exchange it for another piece or anything of the sort. – – illustrative purposes only

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