
Here’s How You Can Decide On Which Window Boxes Will Fit Your Home Best, Along With What Flowers To Plant In Them

Andriy Blokhin - - illustrative purposes only

Are your windows looking a little bare and uninviting? There’s nothing more welcoming than window boxes! Window boxes will take your space to the next level and give your house some extra charm.

Before you can start planting, you need to think about what style of window box will fit your home best. Will it be rustic wood or metal? Colorful or neutral-toned?

Wood is always a classic choice but may eventually need to be replaced or fixed up after weathering the elements. Metal provides a sleek, modern look; however, it tends to rust.

Plastic will hold up against the outdoors very well but might be too simple-looking, while terra cotta is elegant but is likely to experience cracking during cold weather.

As you can see, they all have their pros and cons, so you must decide what you are more willing to put up with. Once you have chosen a material, remember that you can always paint it to reflect your desired color.

Next, plan where you want to place your window boxes. You don’t need one on every window if that’s too much for you. Even just two window boxes flanking the front door will enhance the appearance of your home.

Also, determine how sunny certain spots are. The type of flowers you decide to plant will depend on the amount of shade or sunlight each area receives. Petunias, zinnias, and geraniums are excellent choices because they can tolerate a little neglect.

You don’t need to have a bunch of different flowers. It’ll only make it harder to maintain. The key to creating a stunning scene full of visual interest is to keep it simple by planting low-maintenance annuals.

With annuals, you’ll have to replant every year, but it’s just as well because it’s not a guarantee that perennials can make it through the winter.

Andriy Blokhin – – illustrative purposes only

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