
His Stepdaughter’s Dad Called Him A Nanny, Even Though He’s Not, And Now He’s Being Accused of Humiliating Him Because He Corrected Him In Front of His Family

opolja - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This man, Greg, has been with his wife for the past eight years. His wife has primary custody of her 9-year-old daughter from a previous relationship named Santana. Santana sees her father, Mark, every other weekend and on some holidays.

Additionally, Greg and his wife went on to have two children together, who are now 5-years-old and 18-months-old. Ever since the 5-year-old child was born, he has been a stay-at-home father and takes good care of the three children.

Greg and Santana have a close relationship, and he feels like he has taken more care of her over the past seven years than her biological father ever has. As a stay-at-home father, he is responsible for packing lunches and taking his children to their activities, and of course, this includes Santana.

Over the years, Mark has always been insecure and jealous of Santana’s relationship with her stepfather. Even though Greg always encourages Santana to have a relationship with her father and never pressures her to call him dad, Santana has a strong bond with him that is clear to everyone.

“I’ve never asked her to call me dad, but I’ve made it clear I love her the same as her siblings. And she’s also said she loves me and considered me her second dad,” he explained.

Mark also tends to poke fun at Greg for his role as a stay-at-home dad. While his wife tries to stop Mark’s behavior, Greg usually just ignores him and brushes off his rude comments.

Mark will often refer to him as Santana’s nanny, and instead of engaging, Greg will just tell him, “Whatever you think, Mark.” He’s secure enough in his relationship with Santana that he doesn’t usually feel the need to argue with Mark.

Greg doesn’t typically have to interact with Mark much at all because his wife is usually the one to pick Santana up from her father’s house. However, recently, his wife was under the weather, so he went to pick up Santana from Mark’s.

When Greg arrived, he realized that Mark was throwing a barbeque in his backyard with some family members whom he had never met before. When Santana saw Greg, she excitedly ran into his arms and shouted his name.

opolja – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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