She Snapped At Her Sister-In-Law And Told Her She Should Stop Eating So Much After She Consumed $400 Worth Of Her Groceries

Splitting grocery bills with someone can sometimes get tricky. We all have different appetites and needs, so sharing groceries with a partner or roommate who eats significantly more than you can be frustrating.
One woman snapped and told her sister-in-law she should stop eating so much after she and her niece ate about $400 worth of her groceries.
She lives with her husband and three children. Two months ago, they had a significant change in their household after her 43-year-old sister-in-law and 12-year-old niece moved in with them.
Her sister-in-law is going through a rough divorce. She lost everything to her ex-husband and had nowhere else to turn.
She and her husband were very gracious with her sister-in-law and have covered most of the household expenses so she doesn’t have to. However, she does expect her sister-in-law to pay for her own groceries.
“I didn’t like the idea of eating together due to their history with food,” she explained.
“I don’t know how to put it nicely, so I guess I will go blunt. [She] and her kid never stop eating. They both have severe health issues, as both of them combined are over 600 pounds and live a very fat-positive life.”
While she understands how someone else raises their kid is none of her business, she thinks the way her sister-in-law is raising her niece is messed up, as she’s a great kid but weighs over 200 pounds and has health issues because of her weight.
Instead of striving to make a healthy change, her sister-in-law still insists on practicing “body positivity” in all the wrong ways. – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
Because of her sister-in-law and niece’s drastically different eating habits, she insisted they buy and cook their own food separately. She also cleaned out their entire pantry and let her sister-in-law take up all its space for her groceries.
The system seemed to be working up until recently when everything fell apart.
She recently took her kids on a week-long vacation, as she really wanted to get out of the house and have some space away from her new house guests.
Her husband didn’t feel comfortable joining them, as he didn’t want to leave his sister and niece in their house alone.
Before leaving, she bought around $400 worth of groceries to keep in their freezer and cupboards so her husband would have food while they were gone, and there would be some left by the time they got back. It was at least two weeks’ worth of food to feed her family.
However, when she got back, all the groceries were gone.
“I know for a fact it wasn’t my husband,” she explained.
“He works 14 to 16-hour days and usually buys takeout on his way home when I’m not there, so he can just go to sleep when he gets back. I [looked] in my sister-in-law’s pantry, and all her food [was] gone too, which was full when I left.”
She immediately asked her sister-in-law what happened. Her sister-in-law apologized and said she and her daughter ate all the food because they were hungry, and her legs were in too much pain to go to the grocery store and replace everything.
She got so angry that she snapped at her sister-in-law. First, she asked her why she didn’t think to use a grocery delivery service. Then, her sister-in-law told her she figured she wouldn’t mind.
She told her sister-in-law that, of course, she minds, especially because she had eaten at least $800 worth of groceries in a week, and $400 of the haul was hers.
She insisted that her sister-in-law reimburse her before telling her she should stop eating so much food.
After telling off her sister-in-law, she stormed away. Since then, her sister-in-law has complained and accused her of fat-shaming her and her daughter.
Did she go too far with what she said to her sister-in-law, or did she deserve to get yelled at?
You can read the original post on Reddit here.
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