
She’s Angry With Her Husband For Dismissing All The Work She’s Been Doing For The Business He Invested Their Money Into

contrastwerkstatt - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

When your partner is a business owner, it’s hard to figure out just how much or how little you want to help with the business, as markets always fluctuate, and we have to carve out time for our own jobs.

One woman is angry with her husband, who has been dismissing all the work she’s been doing for the business he invested their money into.

She’s 43 and married to her 44-year-old husband. A few years ago, he started a cottage food business with his friend. Cottage food products are homemade and home-based products made outside a commercial kitchen.

She’s always been very supportive of her husband’s business and, in the beginning, gave him and his partner a lot of advice since she minored in business in school.

“I started to feel too invested in the company and said I couldn’t be involved with the marketing and social media, as I have a full-time job,” she explained.

“I also know that he has made it clear it is not my company, and I am not part of it.”

However, when her husband and partner were recently asked to open a stand at a local farmer’s market, she became extremely involved and offered to run the stand on the days they couldn’t.

The other day, her husband asked her and one of the employees to hire to learn the ropes at the farmer’s market. She worked very hard and put in a lot of effort to learn how things worked while the employee sat around most of the time. But then, when it was time to pack up and go, her husband thanked the employee profusely and hardly said anything to her.

When they got home, she told him it wasn’t cool that he hardly acknowledged her work. 

contrastwerkstatt – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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