
Barbara Corcoran Is Explaining What You Should Be Asking At The End of Every Interview

Drobot Dean - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“Shark Tank” star Barbara Corcoran went from rags to riches after building the largest realty in the state of New York, earning herself the title of real estate mogul and self-made multi-millionaire. It’s clear that she knows a thing or two about success.

Additionally, she often offers business advice and tips to her millions of social media followers, so if you want to achieve success in your career, try taking a page out of her book!

In her latest clip on TikTok, she can be seen gardening outdoors while sharing the most important question job seekers should ask at the end of every interview.

Interviews can be very high-stress, anxiety-inducing situations, especially if you’re not experienced with them. You never know what a potential employer may ask you, but it can be helpful to keep a few key phrases in your back pocket.

“You look at the person interviewing you, and you say to them, ‘Is there anything standing in the way of you hiring me?'” said Barbara.

“It’s polite. You force them into the position of telling you what they might object to. There may have been a miscommunication; they didn’t understand you. It gives you the last shot, and you know what else? You win their respect.”

She claims that you’ll “close the deal” this way. It can’t hurt to give it a shot! You’ll dazzle your interviewer and possibly increase your chances of securing your dream role.

Many TikTok users took to the comments section to share what questions they asked to conclude their job interviews.

“My ending question is always, ‘Are there any hesitations about my qualifications for this position?’ And I have always gotten the job,” commented one user.

Drobot Dean – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

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