How To Help Your Kids Enjoy The Pool Without Getting Sick This Summer

famveldman - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child
famveldman - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Taking a dip in the lake, river, or pool is the best way to cool off when the weather is hot. It isn’t summer until you’ve gone swimming. But what people may not be aware of is the number of bacteria lurking in the water.

Pools contain a multitude of germs that can make you sick. Some of the most common issues that crop up after swimming in a pool include diarrhea, swimmer’s ear, skin rashes, and respiratory infections. These illnesses can be contracted simply from being submerged in contaminated pool water.

So, aside from steering clear of pools altogether, how can you avoid getting sick from swimming? The main things to do are to maintain basic hygiene, follow proper pool etiquette, and keep your eye out for signs of unclean water.

If you want to protect yourself and your kiddos from pool germs, everyone should shower before getting in the pool and after exiting it. Showering before setting foot in the pool is something that probably doesn’t cross most people’s minds. That means they’re most likely introducing tons of bacteria into the water, ranging from sweat, dirt, and oil.

You might think that the chlorine in the pool will work its sanitation powers and cancel out the germs that pool-goers bring in. However, the substances listed above, along with residue from deodorant and hair products, weaken the effectiveness of chlorine.

So make sure you rinse off for at least 60 seconds before jumping in. Scrubbing your body with soap after a swim will help wash away any gunk that might’ve been in the water.

The next rule is to stay out of the pool if you’ve recently had diarrhea. Particles from fecal matter can enter the water and spread a parasite that causes stomach bugs. The parasite, Cryptosporidium, or Crypto for short, can live in pool water for up to ten days.

And, of course, don’t go to the bathroom in the pool, either. Young kids may need some help with this. Swim diapers or swim pants are useful for kids who are not yet potty trained.

Diapers should be checked hourly and changed right away at a safe distance from the pool area. Even if your kid is not in diapers, have them leave the pool every hour for a break.

famveldman – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual child

Furthermore, do not swallow the pool water. You may not be deliberately gulping it down, but droplets can make their way into your mouth or nose without you realizing it.

The average adult ingests one tablespoon of pool water within 45 minutes of swimming. Kids will consume double that amount because they’re kids. Teach children to plug their noses and close their mouths to reduce water intake.

To check if a pool is clean, use portable test strips. The strips tell you whether or not a pool has proper pH levels. If you don’t have any strips handy, utilize your sense of smell.

When a pool has a strong chemical odor, that means it’s dirty. It’s a common belief that an overpowering chlorine smell indicates a clean pool, but it’s entirely untrue. That stench is the smell of chlorine degrading.

By taking these precautions, you and your little ones can continue to enjoy the benefits of pools and lower your chances of getting sick!

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Emily  Chan is a writer who covers lifestyle and news content. She graduated from Michigan State University with a ... More about Emily Chan

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