
She’s Considering Divorcing Her Husband Because She’s Sick Of Him Never Following Through On Anything And Refusing To Take Care Of Himself

contrastwerkstatt - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

This 24-year-old woman and her husband, also 24, have been together for two and a half years.

They have a baby who is nearly 1 year old.

She grew up in the foster care system, and she has so many hopes and dreams for her family.

While she cares for her husband and has a lot of love for him, when she reflects on their relationship, she believes that they rushed into dating and marrying one another.

Unfortunately, she hasn’t been happy with him.

Their relationship has been a constant cycle, and they have repetitive arguments about numerous problems.

The cycle consists of arguments, forgiving each other, and calm for about 12 hours before the cycle repeats itself.

It’s gotten to the point where she doesn’t want to be at the house when her husband is around.

According to her husband, the main problem he has with their marriage is that they aren’t intimate enough. He has repeatedly reminded her that when they first started dating, he expressed that he need intimacy often.

contrastwerkstatt – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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