
She’s Sharing Some Hilarious Tips From 1958 On How To Land A Husband For Yourself

Tijana - - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In today’s world, there are many different ways to meet someone. It’s a lot different from 20 years ago, and especially a great deal different than 64 years ago.

A lot of college-aged people go the route of dating apps or asking someone out whom they share classes with.

However, one TikToker who goes by @thejordanagrace has found the handbook to bag you a husband, according to 1958 standards.

“Ladies, I’ve found a handbook to bag you a husband. A magazine from 1958 has posted 129 ways to bag a husband. Here are the top tips,” she explained.

“Number 17, be nice to ugly men because handsome is as handsome does. Number 23, go to all your High School reunions, there could be widowers there! Number 30, learn to paint, and set up an easel outside an engineering school.”

“Number 25, go back to home town for the ‘wild boy’ next door, who might now be an eligible bachelor. Number 33, carry a hat box. Number 38, drop a handkerchief it still works. Number 34, wear a bandaid, so he can ask what’s wrong. Number 40, stand in a corner and cry softly ’cause then he’ll come over and ask what’s wrong.”

That’s quite the list, and it’s pretty interesting. Even more funny is my boyfriend is an engineer. I would’ve never thought to take an easel and paint outside the engineering school to catch his attention.

The carry-a-hat box one has me a bit confused, though. Does one carry it for a gentleman to offer to carry it, or what?

She did post another video with a couple of more tips from the list that are pretty interesting, and here are a few more wild ones.

Tijana – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

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