A New Survey Suggests That Getting Some Fresh Air Is The Best Way To Beat Stress, Taking Just Nine Minutes Outside To Unwind

olezzo - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
olezzo - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

What’s your first instinct when you’re feeling stressed out? For many, curling up on the couch, binging Netflix, or doom-scrolling on their phone is the go-to coping mechanism.

However, according to a new survey of 2,000 Americans who have outdoor spaces at home, 94% believe that just stepping outside and getting some fresh air helps them relax when they’re feeling anxious or stressed out.

Additionally, the findings suggest that nine minutes outside may be the magic number, with Americans estimating that, on average, it takes this long to unwind.

The survey, which was commissioned by TruGreen and conducted by Talker Research from April 16 to April 22, 2024, discovered that 70% of Americans – or 7 out of 10 – have consciously decided to spend more time outdoors in order to enhance their mental well-being. Plus, 69% have even tried to incorporate outdoor time into their daily routines.

In terms of stress and anxiety on a daily basis, the survey participants rated their stress at a “four” on a scale of one to 10. But, among those who include spending time outside in their daily routine, stress levels were lower.

The survey also shed light on the primary stressors in the day-to-day lives of Americans right now. Finances were the top stressor at 52%. Then, current events and health tied for second at 37% each. The last stressor was relationships at 29%.

The survey participants also shared their top ways of reducing stress. Coming in first was breathing fresh air at 54%, followed by going for a walk at 53%. Perhaps surprisingly, cleaning and organizing were reported to be an effective stress-reducing habit by 34%; meanwhile, 33% said they called or texted a friend.

Most notably, though, a whopping 94% agreed that stepping away from stressful situations and heading outside helps them unwind and relax when dealing with anxiety or stress.

So, it makes sense that 51% of the survey participants claimed that having an outdoor space was a must-have when moving into their homes. Still, even though the benefits of fresh air are well known, it was found that many people still encounter challenges prioritizing outdoor time in their routine.

olezzo – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person

In fact, 65% of those who include spending time outdoors in their routine will still skip this habit on a busy day.

The survey also showed that aesthetic factors may influence how much time someone spends outside. First, about 48% of respondents claimed they feel a sense of pride from having a nice yard.

Plus, 74% believe they should be spending more time in their own outdoor space, and 57% admitted to feeling guilty about not enjoying their yards enough.

When it comes to actually unwinding in an outdoor space, though, looks do matter – because 92% of survey participants reported that yard messiness negatively affects how much they enjoy spending time outside.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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