A New Survey Suggests That 80% Of American Women Prioritize Feeling Healthy Over Looking Beautiful And Believe Feeling Good On The Inside Will Lead To Feeling More Beautiful On The Outside

Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
Drobot Dean - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

With so much discourse about beauty standards on social media, it might be easy to assume that most women care more about their looks than their health.

However, a recent poll of 2,000 American women conducted by Talker Research for Doctor’s Best suggests otherwise. The results found that eight in 10 women actually prioritize feeling healthy over appearing beautiful.

In fact, only 22% of women reported that improving their physical appearance made them feel more beautiful. Conversely, 33% of women reported that both improving their mental and emotional health, as well as their physical health, makes them feel more attractive than just working on their physical appearance.

An overwhelming 79% of survey respondents even agreed that feeling healthy on the inside can lead people to feel more beautiful in terms of outside appearance.

The survey also delved deeper into sentiments on the relationship between age and beauty. First, the research revealed that, on average, women feel about eight years younger than their true age.

Furthermore, the findings suggest that women do feel pressured to look younger, with this feeling beginning at an average age of 39 years old. Despite this, four in 10 women – or 40% – claimed that they don’t feel any pressure to look younger right now.

Perhaps shockingly, given the popular discussions of cosmetic procedures online, 78% of women also reported never even considering getting fillers or Botox. Moreover, 28% admitted to not even having a beauty routine that they follow daily.

Still, it’s no secret that women are bombarded with messages about maintaining physical beauty in all sorts of media and even daily discussions with friends. Approximately 59% of women claimed they see these messages on social media; meanwhile, 55% receive these messages on TV advertisements, and 33% right in their own friend groups.

As for how often women are exposed to these messages, American women reported seeing them about four times each day on average.

Drobot Dean – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

According to the survey, the advertisements that are doing the most damage are those promoting more youthful appearances.

For 24% of American women, these ads actually make them wish they were younger. Additionally, 23% claimed these ads make them feel less confident in their physical appearance.

Even Gen Z women, who are between the ages of 12 and 27 years old right now, said that youth-promoting product advertisements pushed them to question their own beauty.

Still, over half of the survey respondents – or 53% – over the age of 60 reported feeling more confident as they get older.

Additionally, 33% of women claimed they feel the most beautiful when they’re kind to others; meanwhile, 26% feel the most beautiful when they are confident in themselves and spend quality time with loved ones.

“The survey results indicate that the beauty and youth ideals promoted on social and traditional media do not align with how women really feel about themselves,” concluded the vice president of marketing for Doctor’s Best, Katie Lucas.

“They feel younger and are optimistic about strengthening themselves and their health from within.”

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek
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