
He Broke Up With His Girlfriend After She Went To An Overnight Music Festival With Her Guy Friend

While his girlfriend was gone, he packed up the few things she left at his house and brought them to her when she returned from the festival. He told her he was breaking up with her, and she freaked out.

“There was a lot of crying and screaming from her side,” he recalled.

“She asked why I was breaking up with her and [that] I should have told her I would break up with her if she went with the guy.”

“I told her it’s not healthy to give ultimatums in a relationship. I just stated my boundary and how uncomfortable I was with her going to the festival with this guy. In the end, she breached the boundary, and I decided to break up with her.”

His ex has been trying to contact him since their breakup, so he blocked her number.

Was he wrong to break up with his girlfriend over the music festival, or was it the right thing to do?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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