Her Neighbor Stole All The Leftovers At Her Birthday Barbecue Before She And Her Son Could Even Eat, So She Didn’t Let Her Have Any Birthday Cake

rh2010 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
rh2010 - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

Have you ever had someone over for dinner and told them they could take home some leftovers, and then they took that a little too seriously?

One woman recently scolded her pregnant neighbor, who took all the leftover food from a barbecue they hosted before she could eat it and then returned to ask for more.

She and her husband have three kids and thought it would be a fun idea to host a small barbecue for her birthday. In addition to their family, they invited Matt, her husband’s best friend, and his family, including his pregnant girlfriend, Jane, and their three kids.

Matt and his family live two houses down from them, so they were looking forward to a chill, easy barbecue. She and her husband spent around $90 on barbecue supplies like hot dogs and burgers for the grill, some side dishes, and a birthday cake.

Matt and his girlfriend contributed by bringing over around two pounds of hamburger meat.

At the start of the barbecue, she played around in their backyard pond with the kids while the men grilled and Jane sat near them.

When the food was ready, her husband and Matt let everyone know it was time to eat, but she and her middle child decided to stay in the pond for an extra 40 minutes since they weren’t hungry yet.

By the time they left the pond, Matt, Jane, and their kids decided to go home, and her husband ran to the store to get some drinks.

“We got up to the grill, and all the food was gone,” she recalled.

rh2010 – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

“I called my husband and asked him where all the food was, and he said that it should be on the grill. I told him that everything was gone [and he said], Jane asked if she could take some for leftovers, but [he] didn’t think she would take all of it.”

Her husband told her that before he left for the store, there were at least ten hot dogs, eight burgers, and macaroni salad left behind. However, nothing was there, which meant Jane must have taken all of it. Her eldest son then told her he saw Jane and her kids take the foil dish containing all the leftover food home with them.

At that point, she was very angry, as it was her birthday celebration and she was starving. However, she didn’t want to cause a scene, so she tried to let things go, and her husband got her some more food from the store.

But then, Jane crossed a boundary.

“Much to my surprise, Jane and her kids came back 45 minutes later to ask if they could have some of my cake,” she said.

“I [told] Jane that her kids could, but she couldn’t. She asked why, and I said, ‘I’m pretty sure you’ve eaten plenty, considering you took off with my entire BBQ dinner before my son and I could eat anything.'”

Jane argued with her, claiming half the food belonged to her since she and Matt bought some hamburger meat. Jane also claimed she hadn’t realized she and her son didn’t eat, even though she sat by the grill for most of the barbecue.

“I just shrugged my shoulders and walked away,” she recalled.

“She told her kids, ‘Let’s go,’ and they left without cake. Now I’m feeling like I may be the [jerk]. No one has said anything, but I know there’s tension.”

Should she feel bad for not giving Jane and her kids some cake, or was it rude of Jane to ask?

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