His Girlfriend’s Ex-Boyfriend Unexpectedly Showed Up While They Were Out To Dinner, And She Invited The Guy To Join Them, So He Feels Really Disrespected

djile - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people
djile - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

This 26-year-old guy is currently in a relationship, and he and his girlfriend, who is 26, went out to dinner just last night. According to him, they’d also been planning this “special evening” for weeks.

Yet, right after they ordered their meals, his girlfriend’s 27-year-old ex-boyfriend unexpectedly walked into the restaurant.

Once his girlfriend saw her ex, she said hello and apparently “greeted him warmly.” Then, she explained how she and her ex remained friends even after they broke up, and he was visiting town for a couple of days.

“And without asking me, she invited him to join us at our table,” he recalled.

Now, he really attempted to be polite about the whole situation. But, having his girlfriend’s ex-boyfriend eating with them – and reminiscing about their “old times” together right in front of him – made him super uncomfortable.

“It felt like I was the third wheel on what was supposed to be our night,” he said.

That’s why he eventually decided to excuse himself from the table and head to the restroom to cool down. He also wound up staying in the bathroom a bit longer than he had initially planned, and he hoped both his girlfriend and her ex would “get the hint” that he was annoyed.

Well, by the time he returned to the table, his girlfriend actually seemed angry with him since he was acting pretty distant.

Then, they had a discussion after dinner and he tried to explain how her ex-boyfriend joining them at dinner made him feel really disrespected. He also claimed that she should’ve asked him first before inviting her ex to sit down.

djile – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only, not the actual people

His girlfriend, on the other hand, had a different perspective. She just thinks that he’s overreacting and that he should trust her.

“Now, she’s upset with me, and I’m questioning if I handed it poorly,” he vented.

So, he’s unsure if getting upset about his girlfriend’s ex randomly joining them for dinner was justified or not.

How would you feel if your partner’s ex crashed your romantic dinner date? Do you agree with his girlfriend that he’s overreacting? Or does he have a right to be upset?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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