She’s A Stay-At-Home Mom About To Have Her Second Child, So Her Sisters Also Expect Her To Be The Primary Babysitter For Her Nieces And Nephews

People sometimes underestimate just how difficult it can be to watch someone else’s kid when you have kids of your own. While it’s great to lend a hand to other parents occasionally, you need to do what’s best for your family.
One woman is scared to put her foot down as she’s expecting her second child but has always been the go-to babysitter for her sisters.
She’s 32 years old and lives near her two sisters. She’s been a stay-at-home mom for the last few years after having her son, who is nine years old.
She felt super lucky to have her son, as she struggled with infertility issues and didn’t think she’d be able to have a healthy baby.
While her son was growing up, her sisters began asking her to babysit their children since she was a stay-at-home mom, and it was more convenient.
“When my oldest was born, it was just him, and he was an easy baby,” she said.
“[But] even then, it was absolutely exhausting. I was much younger back then, so I had more energy. Since I am a stay-at-home mom, everyone expects me to be the primary babysitter. I kind of assumed I would be too.”
However, her entire family dynamic is about to change. She is pregnant with her second child, and she’s very excited, as she didn’t think she’d ever get pregnant again due to her fertility issues.
Coincidentally, her sisters are also expecting more children, and they’re all pregnant at the same time.

New Africa – – illustrative purposes only, not the actual person
While she can’t wait to be a mom of two and have more nieces and nephews, she worries that she’ll still be expected to babysit for everyone.
“I really don’t know if I can handle that many at one time, and I’m really worried I will either be so overwhelmed I can’t handle it or will go into depression or not be able to do everything,” she admitted.
“[I fear] they will not get appropriate care. I also have to think about my older son and don’t want him to feel left out. I still have to be a mom to my own babies.”
She keeps going back and forth, as she knows how expensive childcare can be, and she doesn’t want to put her family in a difficult position.
However, she doesn’t want to overwhelm herself as a mom, and she has a feeling she will if she doesn’t say something to her sisters.
What would you do if you were in her position?
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