A Kissing Bug Was Found On Someone’s Pillow In Delaware, Raising Concerns Around The Risks Of Chagas Disease

In July 2023, a resident of New Castle County in Delaware was getting ready for bed when they discovered a live adult male kissing bug on their pillow. Three months later, the same insect was found in the kitchen.
One of the bugs tested positive for Trypanosoma cruzi, the parasite responsible for causing Chagas disease.
It marked the first recorded case of an infected kissing bug in the state of Delaware. Chagas disease is not common in the United States, but it affects millions of people in Latin America.
The World Health Organization deems it a neglected tropical disease. Untreated Chagas disease can result in serious heart and digestive system issues.
The Delaware case suggests that the risk of acquiring Chagas disease in the U.S. may be higher than previously thought. It also raises questions about the presence of the parasite in local wildlife populations.
Kissing bugs have black and orange bodies and were named for their tendency to bite people on the face or around the mouth, which is said to resemble a kiss. They are scientifically known as Triatoma sanguisuga.
Researchers took a multi-step approach to investigate the New Castle County case. They collected information about the home’s construction, the surrounding environment, and potential wildlife hosts in the region. The owner of the home was also tested to see if they had been infected with the parasite.
Finally, the researchers documented how the situation was handled. They recorded the homeowner’s experience with seeking help and information from pest control services and healthcare providers.
The homeowner’s experience showed that there was a lack of preparedness and awareness of kissing bugs and Chagas disease in the area.

oktavianus – stock.adobe.com – illustrative purposes only
In the past, New Castle County, Delaware, had not been included as part of the species’ range. It is Delaware’s most densely populated and northernmost region.
Inside, the home was kept clean and well-maintained. Outside, it was surrounded by farmland, estates, and forest fragments.
These conditions provided potential habitats for the insects and their hosts, allowing for disease to be transmitted in the area.
The homeowner tested negative for T. cruzi antibodies, but they did report experiencing heart palpitations and strange bite marks around the same time that the bugs were discovered, pointing to a possible public health concern.
Furthermore, the incident underscored the urgent need for improved education and the establishment of proper protocols in places where the presence of these insects is not usually expected.
The researchers did note that only two samples of the insects were available for testing. They also did not test local wildlife for T. cruzi, which could have provided a clearer picture of the parasite’s prevalence in the area.
A larger sample size and a broader assessment could’ve told them more about kissing bug presence.
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