
He Broke Up With His Girlfriend Because She Expected Him To Pay For Absolutely Everything, Including Her Nose Job

At that point, he began to feel used and more like a piggybank than a boyfriend. When he tried expressing how uncomfortable that would make him, his girlfriend told him that men she’s dated in the past have paid all those bills for her and more. She even showed him receipts that proved it.

Then, his girlfriend told him this was how relationships were supposed to work and that instead of seeing the arrangement as her taking advantage of him, he should see it as his way of showing her love and appreciation.

Because he loved his girlfriend so much and she made him happy in all other aspects of their relationship, he tried his best to contribute to her personal expenses.

However, after a while, money became extremely tight. But whenever he expressed concern about his financial situation, his girlfriend would accuse him of disrespecting her.

“My breaking point was when she asked for a nose job. I told her I couldn’t afford it, and she said I could just get it on a payment plan,” he recalled.

“At that point, I told her I had enough, and we broke up. We were on and off for a few weeks because we were still close, and the love was mutual; however, eventually, we drifted away.”

Now, since being alone after the breakup, he’s beginning to regret his decision. He realizes that the relationship was toxic financially, but he misses having a partner and all the memories they made together.

Should he feel guilty or remorseful, or did he do the right thing?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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