He Left His Girlfriend After She Reconnected With Her Son, Who She Put Up For Adoption, And Started Blowing Money On Gifts And Vacations With Her Ex And Their Child

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BlueOrange Studio - stock.adobe.com - illustrative purposes only

This man and his girlfriend were together for four years. But they were six months into their relationship when he found out that she’d had a son with her ex and put the child up for adoption.

It was then that he and his girlfriend also discussed their own plans for the future together and agreed that, while they wanted to get married, they still did not want to have any kids of their own.

“She knows I fully want to be child-free, and I did ask her if she plans to see her kid. She said no,” he recalled.

However, the adoptive parents of his girlfriend’s child – who is now 8 years old – wound up reaching out to her. Apparently, her son had started asking questions, so the adoptive parents asked if his girlfriend and her ex could meet their kid.

“I was okay with this at first since I thought it wasn’t crazy for her to want to see their kid,” he explained.

“But things have become too much for me.”

It’s now been over a year since the adoptive parents first reached out to his girlfriend, and she has been flying to see her child with her ex for two weeks every month. His girlfriend has also taken trips with her ex, her child, and her child’s adoptive parents.

“The spending has even gotten bad, too. With the gifts and constant travel, I’ve had to pick up a lot of her share of the bills,” he revealed.

Still, he didn’t reach his breaking point until his girlfriend mentioned how she was going on a trip to Europe for over a month. The kicker? She planned to go with her ex, their child, and the adoptive parents.

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This made him realize that he was done with their relationship, and he told his girlfriend that, too. Then, he packed up his stuff, left, and ended their relationship.

“She’s been trying to get in touch with me,” he vented, “But I’m just done.”

Nonetheless, ever since the split, he’s been left wondering if leaving his girlfriend because she reconnected with her son was justified or not.

Didn’t he make it clear that he wanted a child-free life? Is it fair that he had to cover more of his girlfriend’s bills while she was out traveling with her ex and their son? How would you have felt in this situation?

You can read the original post on Reddit here.

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Katharina Buczek graduated from Stony Brook University with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Digital Arts. Specializing ... More about Katharina Buczek

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